Month: November 2013

Global Warming (English Enquête)

global_warming_by_teabingFor French class this term, we studied global warming and the effect it is having on the world. We also studied the ways we can fix this problem. Reflecting back on the project, I think it’s safe to say that I learned a great amount of new things about global warming. I’ve always been interested in protecting and respecting the environment, but I hadn’t really studied in depth just how to do that. Doing this study helped me to learn more about an issue I’m very interested in. After all, this world we live in is precious, and we should everything we can to make it healthier and safer, not just for humans, but also for the millions of animals that could go extinct if action is not taken.

During this study we did several different projects, including a list of expressions and words to do with global warming, a short oral presentation, and a 150-200-word brochure. I thought it was a great idea to do lots of little projects rather than one big one, as then the workload was easier to manage. Personally, my favourite part of this global warming study was writing the brochure, as it provided a useful way to condense all the information I’d learned into a few small pages, and it was also a lot of fun to design.

One very interesting thing I discovered was how much France and other French-speaking nations are doing to end global warming. I learnt a lot of my information about France’s international actions on global warming from this very helpful document:

Bernard Kouchner, the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs has said ‘We want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.’ France is working hard to reduce their carbon emissions through new technology, green buildings and green eating, and is encouraging the rest of the world to do the same. I didn’t realise how much France is actually doing to stop global warming, and I thought that was a really interesting thing to learn.

Overall, I really enjoyed this study, because I’m interested in global warming and helping to save the planet, and I learnt a lot about how to do that.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

La Fête de Noël

Pour la Fête de Noël, mes frères vont à Melbourne et ma mère et moi restent à la maison avec notre chien. Nous irons manger des gaufres et beaucoup de chocolat, et ouvrir les cadeaux. Puis, nous irons à la maison de mes grandparents pour le déjeuner. Nous irons rester là et ouvrir encore plus de cadeaux, et puis nous dinerons. Ensuite, nous rentrerons et nous dormirons.

Joyeux Noël!
À bientôt! 🙂


Les Gaufres!

Mmm ... waffles ....

Mmm … waffles. (Source)

En Française~
La semaine prochaine, ma classe française va à la Royal Copenhagen à manger des gaufres, comme une célébration de la fin du terme. Je pense que c’est génial, et délicieux. Je suis très excité! J’adore gaufres, en particulier avec la crème glacée 🙂

In English~
Next week, my French class is going to the Royal Copenhagen to eat some waffles, as a celebration of the end of the term. I think that it’s awesome, and delicious. I’m very excited! I love waffles, particularly with ice cream 🙂

A bientôt!

Ma Journée

This is me on a busy day.

Me on a busy day.

Today in French we wrote about what we usually do on a busy day. Here is mine:

Je me lève à 7 heures. Je me lave puis mange mon petit-déjeuner. Je vais à l’école à 8h. Je travaille. À midi, je mange mon déjeuner, c’est generallement un sandwich. L’aprés-midi, j’ai deux heures de musique à l’école.
Puis, je rentre à la maison à 5h30. Je faire mes devoirs jusqu’à 19h. Puis, je mange mon dîner avec ma famille. Je lis un roman pendant trente minutes. Puis, je vais au lit à dix heures.
C’est une longue journée!

À bientôt!

My 4 Favourite Cupcake Recipes

Let’s face it, cupcakes are pretty great. However, if there’s one thing more awesome than cupcakes, it’s the feeling of satisfaction you get when you make them yourself.

So without further ado, here are 4 of my favourite cupcake recipes.

1. Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting


For me, there’s no better way to get into the Halloween spirit than with these yummy cupcakes. And even when it’s not Halloween, they’re still absolutely scrumptious, if a little tricky to make at first.

2. Vanilla Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting


These cupcakes are classic, but for a reason. Simple and delicious.

3. Cookie Monster Cupcakes


Definitely one of my favourites, these are awesome fun to make and look at, as well as really tasty! They’re cute as well.

4. Orange and Poppyseed Cupcakes


Orange and Poppyseed has always been one of my favourite flavours for cupcakes. When made well, these are light, sweet and delicate, and completely irresistible.

À bientôt!
– Rebecca

Vincent (1982) – Short Animated Film by Tim Burton

I am a HUGE fan of Tim Burton, especially his animated work. What can I say? The man has such a unique, gothic style and a penchant for creepy, cool stories. So, naturally, I was delighted when I stumbled across this little gem of his from 1982: Vincent. (It was made during his days as a young animator at Disney).

Vincent is a short film about a young boy called Vincent Malloy, who dreams of being just like Vincent Price (the famous horror movie actor with an awesome voice). Really, that’s all you need to know. Watch it now!

À bientôt!