Month: April 2013

Franco-Belgian Comics: Le Chat

Le Chat 2

As part of our work for French next term, we have to research and give a talk about French art. Of course, being the fun-loving geek that I am, I decided to go straight to French comic books, and take a look at the Franco-Belgian comic industry. And I discovered something quite funny: Le Chat.

Le ChatNom: Le Chat
Par: Philippe Geluck
Première édition: March 22, 1983
Publié dans: Le Soir, a Belgian newspaper

Le Chat, as you can see, is an adult, human-sized cat, and it is one of the bestselling Franco-Belgian comic series. I like to think of him as the Belgian Garfield.

Thanks for reading! ✿

Si j’étais …

dolphin wallpaper

Les dauphins

Si j’étais une saison, je serais l’hiver.

Si j’étais un animal, je serais un dauphin.

Si j’étais une couleur, je serais le bleu.

Si j’étais une légende, je serais Jeanne d’Arc.

Si j’étais un personnage de fiction, je serais Lara Croft.

Si j’étais un film, je serais Wall-E.

Si j’étais un oiseau, je serais un colombe.

Si j’étais un élément, je serais l’eau.

Si j’étais un climat, je serais pluies.

Si j’étais une planète, je serais la terre.

Fun Friday: Cute Animals!

Fridays are great. And with Fun Friday, they’re about to get even greater. Every Friday (or whenever I feel like uploading something funny), I’m going to upload GIFS, memes, or just funny pictures and videos. So check back every so often and enjoy!

This Friday, it’s cute animals. Prepare for some ‘awwwwwww’ moments …

First up, this wallaby gets his food stolen.

Cute Wallaby

This is delicio- Oh, man …

This dog is enjoying some takeaway food:




This pug is feeling a little bit shy [warning: extra adorableness here]

Are they still looking at me?

Why are those people still looking at me?

And this dog is just plain adorable.

Another cute dog

Hey, what are you doing to my ton- Hehe …

Hope you enjoyed this edition of Fun Friday! Check back next week for more! 🙂

Les vacances, c’est le pied!

Bonnes Vacances!

J’ai deux semaines pour mes vacances scolaires en Australie, et le lundi ils commencent. Je ne vais nulle part ces vacances. Je vais rester à la maison, lire des livres, regarder la télévision et des films, écouter de la musique, faire mes devoirs et être très paresseux. Mes vacances sont toujours très paresseux. Je fais beaucoup de plans d’exercer chaque jour, faire un film ou écrire un livre, mais je n’ai jamais finir par faire de rien! Mes vacances sont toujours les mêmes. Je me retrouve assis sur le canapé à regarder la télévision ou jouer à des jeux.

– Becky ✿

I can ... but I won't.

Cette image explique parfaitement mes vacances.

☁ La Neige: pièce descriptive

For French class we had to write a descriptive piece about the snow. For those of you learning this beautiful language, see if you can translate it roughly before checking the English. Remember, I’m just a student learning French, so parts of this will not be entirely accurate. Enjoy!

La neige est belle. La neige est molle, blanche, froide au toucher. Il est doux, léger, brillant dans la lumière du soleil couchant.
Si vous vous tenez au milieu d’une tempête de neige, le monde semble s’être arrêté, en un moment brillant que le blanc tombe autour de vous. Mais je ne sais pas ce sentiment personnellement.

Car je n’ai jamais vu la vraie neige.
Je connais que le sentiment de celui-ci. parce que je l’ai touché doucement dans mes mains quand j’étais un enfant, jouant dans un ‘centre de neige’ dans la ville avec ma famille. Les temps étaient heureux.

Je pense que le moment où le premier de la neige tombe est magique, presque précieux. Je voudrais bien voir tomber du ciel, de petites boules de blanc à la dérive vers le bas pour atterrir en douceur sur la terre calme. Il serait recouvrir le sol dans un manteau blanc, froid au toucher.

La première neige serait un spectacle plus beau que n’importe quoi d’autre. Il serait captivant, magique, enchanteur, presque envoûtante. La neige est parfois rude et froid, presque impitoyable.

Il peut être belle tout autant comme une menace. Mais quand je vois la première neige, je sais que ça va être beau.

In English:

The snow is beautiful. The snow is soft, white, cold to the touch. It is soft, lightweight, shining in the light of the sun. If you stand in the middle of a snowstorm, the world seems to have stopped, in a brilliant moment the bright white falls around you. But I do not know this feeling personally.

Because I’ve never seen real snow. I know the feeling of it because I touched it gently in my hands when I was a child playing in the snow centre in town with my family. Times were happy.

I think the moment where the first snow falls is magical, almost precious. I’d like to see it falling from the sky, small balls of white drifting down to land softly on the calm earth. It would cover the ground in a white coat, cool to the touch.

The first snow is a sight more beautiful than anything else. It would be exciting, magical, enchanting, almost mesmerizing. The snow is sometimes harsh and cold, almost ruthless.

It can be beautiful just as much as threatening. But when I see the first snow, I know it will be beautiful.

Welcome to the new Fleur Enfant!

I constantly change my mind. Seriously, ask anyone in my family and they’ll agree. I can never settle on just one thing, which is why this morning I decided Fleur Enfant was due for a bit of a spring clean!

From now on the blog will have a different format and I’ll also post a lot more frequently, and about a greater variety of things: more movie news, book reviews, music reviews, self-help articles, funny pictures, links to my favourite websites, more original content by yours truly, and a lot more of everything else. I hope you all enjoy the new Fleur Enfant and keep on enjoying it for years to come!

– Becky ✿

My Sejour Linguistique Interview

Yesterday, as part of my Sejour Linguistique work this term, I had an interview with my French teacher, entirely in French, about my imaginary exchange experience in Paris. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, so my French was a little hesitant, but overall I think I did well. It’s quite hard to keep a conversation going in another language!
And now that I know what to expect, I’m sure I’ll do a lot better next time. ☺

‘Tombe La Neige’ or Why Men Shouldn’t Write Break-Up Songs

As another part of our ‘La Neige’ topic for French work this term, our teacher showed us an old song called ‘Tombe La Neige’ by a singer called Salvatore Adamo.
Unfortunately, it’s pretty awful. Take a look for yourself below.

At first it doesn’t sound too bad, but then the bizarre timing in the chorus is fairly off-putting, and if you look at the lyrics, and their translation, it only becomes worse. For example, take this part:

Tombe la neige

Tu ne viendras pas ce soir

Tombe la neige

Tout est blanc de désespoir

Triste certitude

Le froid et l’absence

Cet odieux silence

Blanche solitude

Which translates to:

Let it snow
You will not come tonight
Everything is white despair
Sad certainty
The cold and absence
This hideous silence
White loneliness

Wow. It looks like this guy might be taking his break-up a bit too hard. My advice? Don’t let men write break-up songs, because they will probably end up like ‘Tombe La Neige’.